Review 7: A Letter to Momo

When I was little, one of my favourite films was a 30 minute animated adaptation of John Burningham’s beautiful children’s book Granpa. We never had an official copy, just the one Mum and Dad had taped off the tv. It shared space with Disney’s Robin Hood and was cut with bonkers 90’s adverts and grainy … Continue reading Review 7: A Letter to Momo

Review 6: ‘Born To Run’ by Christopher McDougall

According to Christopher McDougall and his book Born to Run: The Hidden Tribe, the Ultra Runners, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen, I was born to run.  Well, according Christopher McDougall, a tribe of maverick scientists and mathematicians and the small but hardcore community of ultra runners.  Also, when I say "I", what I … Continue reading Review 6: ‘Born To Run’ by Christopher McDougall

Review 3: ‘The Secret History’ by Donna Tartt

When my sister recommended The Secret History as a good starter book for Review Thirty-Six I initially had no idea that it was a) so venerable and well respected (venerable probably isn't the right word here, but it's certainly older than I was expecting it to be) and b) it's absolutely flipping everywhere!  Seriously, over the last … Continue reading Review 3: ‘The Secret History’ by Donna Tartt